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UNDERDOG BITES - 2022 Coming Through....

Hello Underdogs!

Another year in the books! Hopefully everyone had a safe and happy holiday season. 2021 was something else, huh?

At this time last year MachoMike.TV had only been around for 4 months so it's nice to be able to reflect after 16 months in business. Lots of things have happened and lots more are planned for 2022.

A brief recap of 2021

MachoMike.TV celebrated it's 1 Year Anniversary with the big Reviewer Rumble SPECIAL video that featured yours truly in video game form mixing it up with 7 other popular online content creators in a Fire Pro Wrestling World simulation battle royal. If you missed it, it's available at:

The Reviewer Rumble was well received and I may do another in the future but I've already got other plans percolating for the 2 Year Anniversary Special.

2021 also brought my first ever live Twitch stream. "The Cine-Masochist" himself Petar Gagic - who was also one of the participants in The Reviewer Rumble - had me on as a guest for one of his live streams on his Twitch channel back in November. Together we riffed an Emilio Estevez double feature: Men At Work and Repo Man. This was A LOT of fun for me and Petar's regular Twitch viewers seemed to enjoy my guest commentary in spite of my inferior microphone situation which I've since upgraded so when we decide to do it again I should (hopefully) sound more like me and less like Charlie Brown's teacher when I talk. If you'd like to check out The Cine-Masochist Twitch channel it's at:

On a sadder note, there is one less Macho Mascot in the world. When you watch the Macho Movies intro you see 2 cats: Max the little grey cat and Archie the big striped cat. Shortly after the 1 Year Anniversary Special premiered, Max used up the last of his 9 lives and left this world. Max was well past 20 years old and as the summer wore on it was pretty obvious that he was nearing the end. I am glad that Max has been immortalized in some videos. In addition to both Max and Archie's appearances in the Macho Mike VERSUS the Fur Wizard Max makes a surprise appearance in the Macho Meals Mike DLT burger video. I had no idea he was even lurking around behind me while the camera was on until I went to edit the footage afterwards. There are no replacement plans for Max at this time but Archie definitely gets into 2 cats worth of mischief on his own so he's more than up to the task of filling any voids left behind by Max. LOLOL!

Rounding out 2021 I'm happy to report that more Macho Merch has been created and the store has been overhauled for the MachoMike.TV MERCHANDISE section and the Macho Mike social media accounts have all increased in likes and followers with Twitter being the most impressive at an increase of nearly 1,000 more of you Underdogs following compared to this time last year. Wow! I'm so grateful for all of you fellow Underdogs.

For 2022

Rest assured there are several irons in the fire. You Underdogs can expect more of the same type of content that I released in 2021 but better! Could there be more social media content? Crossovers with other content creators? Videos with running storylines? I don’t like to announce anything before it’s a done deal but...

Well, you'll just have to stay tuned to MachoMike.TV 😎

Happy 2022 Underdogs! This is our year!

Keep it Macho!

-Macho Mike


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